the NON Secession (separation) of the provinces and territories,
the NON-derogation of rights,
and the unconstitutional "Notwithstanding clause" that would deprive Canadians of our International Human Rights at the federal, provincial and municipal levels.
Definition: notwithstanding means "even though"
It is very important to understand the Rule of Law principles and what they are based on. It is also important to understand our rights as Canadian citizens here and at the international level. Once we understand their dynamics, then, we can see more clearly on how we can enforce our rights.
Please save this blog post as I will return to add more information to it. But for now, the most important part of this post is for Canadians to see through the political double speak and misinformation utilized to make us believe someone in politics will save us.
Only we, the people can save this country. Understanding the dynamics and legalities of the Federal government, the Provinces, and the United Kingdom under the guise of the "Rule by Law" instead of the "Rule of Law" within our Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is crucial.
Fortunately for us, by being a democratic society, the Rule of Law gives us the tools we need to protect our country and our future from being manipulated into a world governance by private corporations at the hands of our politicians, and Canadian Mayors under the "Great Reset" New World Order.
I have attached the PDF documents for you to read. Keep them close as they are important to understanding the Law that can secure our true Freedom and save our country, its resources for our children and generations to come.
In the News today: The Unconstitutional "Notwithstanding" clause
The reason for our claim that the notwithstanding clause is unconstitutional is because of our Canadian Constitution, which includes our International Human Rights that further include the non-derogation of “The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)”, that both Canada and the UK signed onto in 1976.
The International Universal Human Rights laws that includes all of our rights that Canada and the UK signed make the Notwithstanding clause unconstitutional when it comes to these rights.
This non-derogation of rights under “The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)” gives we, the people the power to challenge any laws brought by any levels of government using the notwithstanding clause, or any public government agency, corporation, association, employers, unions, etc. or anyone else ignoring our legal right to non-derogation from them at any time and especially in the situation such as an emergency or war.
And just as surprisingly, neither can The World Health Organization (WHO) itself, derogate from any of our rights. See the document below. Our Governments and Public Health lied.
If Canadians support this cause, then we have a good chance in finally being legally recognized as the official shareholders, co-owners of the Crown of Canada without outside interference and infiltration within our governments to this day in order to end the manipulation, coercion, deceit and lies committed against us all.
Documents on NON Secession (separation) of Provinces or Territories from Canada legality explained.
1. The Purposes and Principles of the U.N. Charter Origins, Subsequent Developments in Law and Practice and (Mis)interpretation in the Context of Unilateral Secession Claims in the OSCE Area
"Third, self-determination has rather been recognized as applying to the peoples of independent States as a whole, including minority groups as part of their populations within those States, and provides for the right to choose their own form of government without external interference and participation in the conduct of public affairs at appropriate government levels."
See more in the document below:
2. Unilateral Secession v. Territorial Integrity of States
Non-Derogation of Rights
Non-Derogation of Rights during Emergencies or War
States parties should not derogate from Covenant rights or rely on a derogation made when they are able to attain their public health or other public policy objectives by invoking the possibility to restrict certain rights, such as article 12 (freedom of movement), article 19 (freedom of expression) or article 21 (right to peaceful assembly), in conformity with the provisions for such restrictions set out in the Covenant, or by invoking the possibility of introducing reasonable limitations on certain rights, such as article 9 (right to personal liberty) and article 17 (right to privacy), in accordance with their provisions;
States parties may not resort to emergency powers or implement derogating measures in a manner that is discriminatory, or that violates other obligations that they have undertaken under international law, including under other international human rights treaties from which no derogation is allowed. Nor can States parties deviate from the non-derogable provisions of the Covenant – article 6 (right to life), article 7 (prohibition of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or of medical or scientific experimentation without consent), article 8, paragraphs 1 and 2 (prohibition of slavery, the slave trade and servitude), article 11 (prohibition of imprisonment because of inability to fulfil a contractual obligation), article 15 (principle of legality in the field of criminal law), article 16 (recognition of everyone as a person before the law) and article 18 (freedom of thought, conscience and religion) – or from other rights that are essential for upholding the non-derogable rights found in the aforementioned provisions and for ensuring respect for the rule of law and the principle of legality even in times of public emergency, including the right of access to court, due process guarantees and the right of victims to obtain an effective remedy;
2. Guidelines for lawyers in support of peaceful assemblies
3. The World Health Organization (WHO) nor Public Health can infringe on our Universal Human Rights
W.H.O. statement
The right to health, as with other rights, includes both freedoms and entitlements:
"Freedoms include the right to control one’s health and body (for example, sexual and
reproductive rights) and to be free from interference (for example, free from torture and
non-consensual medical treatment and experimentation).
Entitlements include the right to a system of health protection that gives everyone an
equal opportunity to enjoy the highest attainable level of health."
The "Notwithstanding" clause
Within this document you will see that the statements are in controversy of the International Human Rights Covenants. It is up to all Canadians to expose this fraud against our rights.
1. The Centre for Constitutional studies explains it well.
2. Justice.GC.CA
3. Government Background paper