Fundraising For Freedom
Your help is needed to succeed
Note: Your personal information is private.
We have created an eBook to help raise funds for legal fees and expenses in order to help Canadians and Indigenous Peoples, including assisting other Countries to PowerShift to Freedom.
We could all finally be in full control over each of our Governments.
Now, that's true democracy!

The Political "PowerShift to Freedom Political Guide" is the only legal solution worldwide to end tyranny.
It offers the tools needed for we, the collective people, citizens to legally achieve power in final decision making authority over our governments.
It includes the necessary International Law instruments in order to lawfully affirm your collective rights to self-determination.
It is a worldwide legal political POWERSHIFT by the people for the people. It is the evolutionary REVOLUTION that we have all been waiting for! The Great Political PowerShift Challenge, placing we the people as the final decision makers above Government once and for all.
True freedom, is POWER shifting the executive power to the people as the final decision making authority in each country.
The Canadian Peoples Union NFP Inc.
NOTHING in LAW supersedes the WILL of the PEOPLE in regards to our GOVERNANCE.
You truly are richer and more powerful
than you know!
For the sake of our children and their future, time is of the essence, as time is running out. So please take action as it's not the time to stand by and do nothing. Either way, whatever happens now, will be long-lasting...
The choice, good or bad that will determine the outcome is in our collective hands. It is up to each and every one of us to take a legal, lawful stand.
We at the CPU and The PowerShift to Freedom volunteers thank you in advance for your support and dedication to our children, this country, and for being a light in the future of a better happier world and Humanity.
Please, do not forget to visit our PowerShift Store!
Get our Free PowerShift to Freedom Interactive eBook with a donation.
If you you prefer giving your donation by Interac Email transfer you can send your donation e-transfer to: cpu@thepowershift.ca
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If not depending on your bank, it will auto deposit.
If a security question is asked, please use:
Question: what is this for?
Answer: Donation
Thank you dearly for your support!
The Canadian Peoples' Union NFP
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Donation Option #2
You will receive an email with the download links
for both the english, and french PDFs Interactive version
(Note: eBook is not in book format)
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