Ken Labrosse has asked the following on FB. Rather than answer there, where the information is rarely seen or gets lost due to the post aging...we are putting his questions here so they can be easily found and referred to by anyone with the same questions. ...from Ken's FB Comment...
I see how much time and effort has been put into this and ii want to say Nicole you are a warrior!
Thanks Ken!
However ii must be missing something here? Canada, being a corporation registered in Washington D.C. owned by the world elites, how is keeping a corporate government good for We the People?
Good info...but it sort of misses the reason it exists in the first place.
It would probably surprise you to know that every country is listed as a registered corporation on the INTERNATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE.
Your opinion is a bit wrong here in that it isn't Washington, is the International Stock Market.
Why? Because every Country must prove the value and strength of their GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in order to borrow money for their annual budgets.
THIS IS A GOOD THING! Why? Because the information Countries must provide to the International Stock Exchange in order to be qualified is much more detailed than what is approved by our Federal House of Commons (HOC).
By definition, all governments worldwide are "corporate".
By definition, any type of "governance" would also be corporate in nature. Even free love, sharing everything communes have a governance structure that operates much like a business...aka...corporation.
Their system is based on International fraud, changing the CEO of the corporation and keeping everything still in place, doesn't change the shareholders (world elites) stance on keeping us all slaves to the debt money bondage system, a system that has granted them profits beyond belief since the foreclosure deal of the 1930's.
Again...some points are almost there...but not's easy to get lost in the muddle out there on the internet around all this...
Our governance system in Canada started in 1687...and everything you mentioned in the above paragraph started then...not in the 1930s.
It became what we know now in 1867 with the British North American (BNA) Act.
With the Statute of Westminster 1931 giving the State (or Country, or Dominion) of Canada to the people, the Collective Citizens and Indigenous People should have been placed as Head of State in our Constitution.
Instead, our Federal Government decided "we were not ready" and kept us bound to the United Kingdom (UK) until 1982.
In 1982, after the Canada Bill of 1981 was approved by the UK Parliament, the Collective Citizens and Indigenous People should have finally been placed as Head of State. However, our Federal Government decided "we were not ready" and once again our Collective Civil and Political Rights as the Collective Sovereigns of Canada were left out of our own Constitution (the law of our land).
Leaving us once again under a system of governance by a government of elected officials that are guided by political parties and not the Collective Citizens and Indigenous People of Canada.
Hence the Constitutional Correction to correct the error of 1982 and place the Collective Citizens and Indigenous People as the rightful Collective Head of State in our Constitution.
You can read the information on our website and on this forum as to what would come after the Constitutional Correction.
With Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction(law of the Sea) still in play, Man and Woman in common law jurisdiction(law of the land) would still need to navigate the Legal and Lawful sides of things. How does this work?
Maxims of Law are very clear and can't be contested by any man, woman or anything, they are written in stone! This may need your attention!
"Uneven things ought not be joined" Law of the land vs. Law of the sea In Administrative courts, legal jurisdiction and lawful jurisdiction cannot mix! Jurisdiction must be established asap and can be lost at anytime, we the people loose jurisdiction with servile words from the Legalese Language because we never studied it until now.
"Legality is not Reality" another Maxim of law.
Trying to deal with a corporate government through Legalese is what many failed groups have done. Please tell me you planned for this and how? The government and world elites have been performing crimes against humanity since the beginning of time via two crimes Legal Fiction of and Barretry= the crime of bringing false claims into court.
All brought to us through the Legal side of what you are suggesting to keep in place. ii appreciate all that you are doing please dont get me wrong however if we spend anymore time in systems that keep us spinning in the Mud instead of making us all quoted from the bible, People parish because of lack of knowledge!
All of the above is Freeman on the Land / Sovereign Citizen Common-Law Pseudolaw. Sounds great, but means absolutely nothing in real law. We don't deal with any of that. If that's what you need us to do to get your support, sorry, it isn't going to happen.
Therefore to get my full support, please show me what is the actual Lawful plan, without one ii can't support a movement that will encompass so many more men and women down yet another highly possible failed path.
You'll find our "lawful" plan on this website, in the book "PowerShift - from the Political Elite to Informed Citizens" and in our ebook.
We put out information on this in almost every video we do, and we're beginning to do actual "education videos" on this soon.
However, all the information has been available to everyone for over 3 years...they only have to read.
I am comparing this to the Memorandum of Understanding we served the Senate on December 10th 2021. A tool that was supposed to come out during the Truckers Convoy in Ottawa, we spent the entire three weeks expecting somekind of Action on the motion however, the organization decided to withdraw the MOU because of governmental pressure.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was never served on the Senate on December 10, 2021. SERVICE WAS ATTEMPTED, and the Senate refused to receive it because it was not done correctly via the Federal House of Commons (HOC) ePetition site.
Why they thought it would happen during the rally is a mystery, when it had already been made clear to the organizers of it, that it would not be accepted by the Senate, or any level of the Federal Government unless it was done via a House of Commons (HOC) ePetition, as early as December 10, 2021, is a question for them, not us.
***until the Collective Citizens and Indigenous People are in our Constitution as the Head of State...those we elect are under zero obligation to listen to us...unless it is an election or they are actually asking for our input. ...and they RARELY ask us for our input unless it is an election.
The men questioned the most about their loyalty to the People are still held in prison as POW's while this organization walked away with their tails between their legs with no explanation to the thousands of followers.
Yes...the Convoy organizers appear to have left their team members high and dry...and this is something you should address with them.
To be clear, when you say "this organization"...the only organization you should be referring to are those that organized the Convoy and the occupation of Parliament in Ottawa.
Organizers of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) made it very clear that the MOU was the only action endorsed by the Convoy.
PowerShift Supporters and CPU members were there but were in no way organizing anything other than making people aware of the PowerShift.
Lawful and Legal don't mix! Proove me wrong with what you have, please comprehend ii am not doing this to be trampling your plans, ii am doing this so no more good plans get trampled. ii am open minded and more than willing to help a cause that has the force of law behind it! We need a shift in power! All power back to We the People, the sovereigns of the Nation. Looking forward to your response!
Educate yourself on what we are doing. It's all there. You only have to read and watch.
In order for things to truly change in Canada, we not only need the Collective Citizens and Indigenous People to be the Collective Head of State...we also need them to be willing to educate themselves and get involved. #informedandinvolved
Democracy is only ever really democracy if the voter base is educated on their system of governance and involved in it.
Awesome answers Nicole. There’s no stumping you!!!